
Woman Falls Onstage During Competition. Dog’s Next Move Is Bringing Tears to Everyone’s Eyes

June 9, 2018 VIDEOS


For centuries now, dogs have been known to be man’s best friend. This is because of all the pets, they have been proved to be loyal to humans. Some think that they are the only creatures who will give you love and affection, more than they will on themselves. There is no doubt that they are very obedient to us. One other thing that makes them to be the best is that they are very clever and can easily learn tricks like lying down saluting, sitting, etc.
In the video below, we have the opportunity of seeing what one dog is capable of doing with his owner. His name is Deril. He, together with Lusy Imbergerova, the owner, had traveled to Moscow to participate at the 2016 World Dog Show. Basically, the dog and his mistress were performing a military routine.

You have to watch the video to see the tricks this dog can perform. I was more than amazed when I saw him salute and do some push-ups, just like the owner was doing. But be keen on what he does towards the end of the clip. He…unbelievable!
Watch the clip below so as to see the whole amazing performance. Please SHARE with all your friends on Facebook who love dogs!

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