Tiny Dog is Told to Go in Basket, But What He Does Instead Makes The Entire Stadium Go Wild
Whenever he shows up to perform, Christian Stoinev has always left the crowd roaring with both laughter and awe. To make the shows even more striking, he performs in the company of a little dog that he calls Little Scooby. Together, they’ve conquered the world of entertainment!
In fact, Christian has made his name by shinning in some of the most competitive shows like America’s Got Talent. Although he didn’t win the show, he sure got people to notice him. This time around, he’s about to blow your mind away as he and Little Scooby perform at a basketball game played by the New York Knicks. Get set for this!
So Christian and Little Scooby are all about proving their mettle on the field. Christian does his acrobatics while Scooby keeps up with him. They do a few awe-inducing maneuvers and let the crowd roar, but the best moment comes when the man opens a basket and tells Scooby to get in. What the dog does at this point breaks everyone’s ribs to pieces!