
The Dog is Completely Confused By A Statue of A Dog Similar To Him

April 26, 2021 ANIMALS VIDEOS


A few days ago, a great video appeared on Youtube, which has already become a real hit.

The owner recorded the response of her dog when she received a statue with his image at home, the owner recorded his dog’s reaction and did not hide his confusion when the dog was surprised.

The housewife recently commissioned a special statue that resembles her dog. He placed the statue in his bedroom and then invited his dog for the first time.

In response, the dog laughed at the wide web: at first he was very confused, then he walked away in front of the statue and saw only from afar. The video has already been a huge hit on YouTube, with over 1.5 million views to date.

When you first see the statue with his image, notice that the dog feels sorry for him. Are you laughing at parts of the video yourself?

What do you think?