
The Contestant gives Judges Goosebumps With Her Voice

October 26, 2021 VIDEOS


A few days ago, 38-year-old singer Zeynep Avchi also appeared on the German song show “The Voice”.

She introduced himself by performing a hit signed by German singer Tan Tashi many years ago.

With a beautiful voice, Zeynep accepted all the judges of the show and showed how talented she is. Many online users also admire her performance, and the video is already enjoying real success on the Internet.

To date, she has collected more than 7 million views on YouTube alone, and Zeynep Avci sang on the stage of The Voice, performing the song “Victory”, signed by German-Turkish tan Tashchi.

Singer Zeynep Avchi, 38, listened to a stunning performance of The Voice that touched the hearts of many online users and viewers. Will he impress you too?

What do you think?