
Mom Expects Baby Girl To Hate 1st Taste Of Spinach Only Funny Opposite Reaction Hard To Ignore

September 17, 2018 VIDEOS


When it comes to having a baby, watching their first moments take place can be an exciting moment for all parents. Parents anxiously watch their baby’s curiosity develop and soon they’re ready to express their likes and dislikes even if they can’t talk yet! The sight can be quite entertaining and the small little moments quickly become moments to treasure forever. That was the case when mom filmed her baby girl try spinach for the very first time. She never could have anticipated filming such a reaction!

Baby girl sits happily in her chair when mom begins to feed her spinach. Typically, kids hate eating vegetables and prefer sweeter items such as fruit. Mom was expecting her little girl to hate the spinach only she was in for a pleasant surprise. Mom put the spoonful of healthy greens in her daughter’s mouth and her baby girl immediately started clapping her hands and laughing. In fact she breaks out into a fit of giggles.

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