
Little Boy’s Baptism Goes Hilariously Wrong

October 14, 2023 VIDEOS


A few years ago there was a video on YouTube showing a funny scene in a church.

There, during the baptism of a boy, the priest encountered a problem: the boy being baptized did not want to be immersed in holy water.

The video, published on YouTube many years ago, has already become a real hit – on the mentioned network alone it received hundreds of thousands of views and reactions, making many Internet users laugh.

During the baptism, the priest was supposed to dip one of the boys in holy water, but the boy still objected. In the end the priest succeeded, and the scene made many in the church laugh.

Check out this funny video where we get to see a scene where a baptism ceremony in a church doesn’t quite go according to plan. Can a boy make you laugh with rebellion?

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