
A bear attacked a van driving along the Forest Road

June 1, 2024 VIDEOS


A few days ago, a video appeared on YouTube showing the bear’s brute strength.

He attacked a van in a Japanese forest, and a camera inside captured the entire scene.

This video, published on YouTube two weeks ago, has already become a real hit – it has received more than 200,000 views on the aforementioned network alone, and many Internet users had no idea that such a car could be attacked by a bear.

We see an angry bear attacking one of the cars in the forest of Hokkaido, Japan. After the attack, the driver drove away, and, according to experts, the bear reacted aggressively because the cub was nearby.

Watch an unusual scene in a Japanese forest when a bear attacks a car. Have you ever seen such an unusual encounter with a bear?

What do you think?